Óðinn’s Ridge Longhorns ~ A Labor of Love

My husband and I bought this land in Cranfills Gap in the hopes that we
could spend more time as a family outdoors with our kids, hunting,
fishing, and learning about nature. Then, we discovered Longhorns and
convinced his wonderful
parents to move to Cranfills Gap for their retirement years so they
could help us manage this growing dream of owning a true working ranch.
Since our first visit to a true longhorn ranch, we fell in love with the
majesty and diversity of these incredible Texas
icons. We are so excited to have started a small longhorn herd of our own. We have
started with a few females with wonderful pedigrees and breeding to the
best bulls.
We have the advantage of starting our “dream life” much
earlier than many people caught in the rat race of city life. Jim still
works long days and weeks in Dallas as the managing partner of his firm
Verner Brumley Mueller Parker. Olivia was a Montessori teacher but is now
blessed to stay home with their two children, Leisel & Boone.
However this life is the something “more” they were looking for and have
found in God's amazing creation and creatures in Cranfills Gap, TX. We chose the name Óðinn’s
Ridge (from Old Norse: Óðinn) since our property falls into the old
Norse Historic area where the largest population of Norwegian
immigrants settled in Texas and their culture and influence is evident
in the names of the ranches and buildings around us.
It’s by the grace of God and amazing family support in the form of (Big) Jim & Lyn Mueller that we are able to lead two lives at once. They are willing to embark on a new adventure in the hopes that we are together building a legacy for our next generation. We owe them a debt of great gratitude for their willingness to learn a new trade, work the longhorns and learn the business as well as handle all our day to day operations during their retirement years.
Over the years, we will continue to build on what we have
learned so far about the Texas Longhorns. We would like to thank Bull Creek Longhorns, Hudson Longhorns and El Coyote Ranch for entrusting us with some of their lovely female Longhorns to begin our herd.
We look
forward to many years of ranching adventures with our kids as they grow
up spending long weekends in Cranfills Gap.
Jim and Olivia Mueller